Faculties and Admin Units Collaborate at Future State Readiness Workshops for HR and Finance Work Streams

Faculties and Admin Units Collaborate at Future State Readiness Workshops for HR and Finance Work Streams

March 09, 2018

Across UBC, dedicated staff have been collaborating with the Integrated Renewal Program team to consider future state business processes and service delivery priorities for HR and Finance functional areas with the goal of better serving the university community.

The goals of the multi-day future state readiness workshops are to develop guiding principles and KPIs, design a high-level target state for each process area, determine the key characteristics of the future state process, and define the user journey. The workshops are an opportunity for UBC to consider a new way of working in the future – using a new set of tools. Workshops followed structured process improvement methodologies and best practices learned from other organizations that have implemented Workday.

This is the first in a series of workshops that will continue throughout the remainder of 2018 with deeper exploration in priority transformation areas. This is much more than a technology project which is an enabler to transform UBC’s business processes to achieve consistency and standardization at the institution. By adopting industry leading best practices for higher education, the intention is to optimize Workday to benefit all users at UBC.

Workshop participants, numbering in the hundreds, identified current pain points and moments that matter to key stakeholders at UBC, enablers that will support these moments, and key metrics to measure success. Participants engaged in lively conversations to explore opportunities to eliminate inefficiencies and duplicate effort with a focus on creating a better experience for faculty, staff and students, administrators and leaders of people across the institution. Post-workshop feedback was very positive in terms of people sharing their unique faculty and admin perspectives and contributing their respective ideas.