Workday Student, our new student information system, will launch in two phases. Launch 1 in October 2023 and Launch 2 in February 2024. The transition to Workday Student will provide UBC with the foundation for a modern student experience that is adaptable and can evolve to meet the needs of the institution for years to come.
Launch 1 focuses on the systems that admit undergraduate students to UBC and prepare for the 2024 Winter session. Launch 2, will include capabilities that support students to study, advance, and graduate from UBC.
Which capabilities are launching in October 2023?
The areas* that are included in Launch 1 include:
- Admissions: This capability covers the full range of processes that take place from the moment a prospective student’s application is received to the moment an admissions decision is made. Workday’s Admissions Module does not currently meet all UBC’s requirements, therefore, existing SIS functionality will be extracted and developed into a standalone application. The Admissions Solution will be comprised of the Admissions Administrative Portal (AAP) - which is replacing the admissions capabilities currently managed through the SISC, and the Applicant Service Centre (ASC) - which is also replacing the admissions capabilities currently managed by the Student Service Centre (SSC). These capabilities will be used for applications for 2024 Summer and 2024 Winter applications and beyond.
- Scheduling: Processes associated with scheduling course sections from Scientia will be integrated into Workday. This capability will be used for 2024 Winter scheduling. Non-Scheduling Services users will likely access Workday for scheduling activities, at the earliest, in March 2024, while 2023 Winter and 2024 Summer scheduling will continue in the SISC.
- Curriculum Management: Curriculum Management capabilities are going live in Launch 1 and will support the delivery of approved curriculum for all students across both campuses. In Workday, Curriculum Management involves the setup and maintenance of academic units, academic cycles, and learning opportunities, such as programs, pathways, and courses. System functions involved in Curriculum Management will be supported by IRP Student program team during the Hypercare period in close collaboration with Enrolment Services.
*Update on the Launch 1 LFS capability: With endorsement from both the Business Owner (UBC Registrar) and Executive Sponsors, IRP Student has been directed to delay the launch of Learner Financial Support. What this means is that LFS will go live after Launch 1 of Workday Student. As the first use of LFS capabilities by the Business is not until April/May of 2024, the Business Owner (Registrar) is comfortable with a later deployment of LFS. The program status remains approved as Go for Launch 1 on October 4 and Launch 2 in February 2024. LFS manages how the University distributes money to students (for example; scholarships, bursaries, loans, and awards).
Who is impacted by Launch 1?
The first launch of Workday Student impacts a limited number of current SIS users. That said, these users perform critical tasks related to admitting students to the University. Ensuring these users are prepared is a priority.
The following staff areas are impacted by Launch 1:
Most impacted:
- Enrolment Services Staff: Undergrad Admissions Staff
- Teacher Education Office Admissions Staff
Medium impacted:
- Faculties that process their own admissions including Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies/College of Graduate Studies, professional programs
- Faculties with supplemental application processes
Minimal impacted (indirectly impacted):
- Student Records
- Student Financial Services
There are other UBC staff groups who view Admissions information as part of their role but do not actively use the Admissions system. Business processes for these individuals are not changing, as they will simply view this information in a new system. Some of these groups include; Enrolment Services Advisors, Recruiters, International Recruiters, Faculty Advising Staff, and Graduate Program Offices.
- Scheduling Services staff
What happens after Launch 1?
Launch 2, starting in February 2024, is when the remaining capabilities in Workday Student will begin to come online. With this launch, there will be impacts for all Classic SIS users (including current and newly admitted students).
By fall of 2024, Workday Student will be the system of record for academic administration at UBC. However, although the system will be fully launched and the SIS offline, continuous improvements and enhancements to UBC's new system will be underway with IRP Student Completion – allowing us to grow and improve for years to come.
It is important to note that from Launches 1 to IRP Student Completion, the SIS and Workday Student will run in parallel, meaning both systems will be live; this is known as the Coexistence Period. The Classic SIS will process, support, and complete all activities related to the 2023 Winter and 2024 Summer sessions at UBC. Workday Student will be exclusively used for activities relating to the 2024 Winter session, onwards.
If you are unsure whether or not you are impacted by Launch 1, reach out to your Primary Transition Lead (PTL) for more information.
As the program moves forward, we expect and embrace change, and are both prepared and confident in our ability to adapt our approach to meet quickly evolving requirements