UBC students animated background image

Workday Student Vocabulary

With this transition to Workday Student, you will be required to familiarize yourself with brand new words that the Workday Student system uses. These words could look familiar, but they might have a new description associated with it. With the help of this page, our community-members will be able to understand the Workday Student language.  

Please note that these words may, in some cases, refer to new data entry labels used in Workday Student. These labels will not change how we use our UBC terminology in our academic policies, procedures, processes, reporting, and other UBC systems.

To access the official definitions, please refer to the University Glossary.  

Abbreviated Title (Course Definition)

Known as Short Title in the current SIS.

Course definition field that will display on UBC transcripts. Typically a copy of the Course Title field unless said field exceeds 60 characters, at which point the Abbreviated Title is manually edited to meet this character limit guide.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Learner Management
  • Registration
  • Scheduling
Abbreviated Title (Course Section Definition)

Known as Short Title in the current SIS.

STVC Courses: Field that is attached to a Special Topics version that denotes focus.

For example ANTH_V 490's course title is "Topics in Anthroplogy". When a version is created - ANTH_V 490I - then the topic title is "Queer Ethnography".

Non-STVC courses: the Abbreviate Title (Course Section Definition) is inherited from Abbreviated Title (Course Definition)

  • Learner Management
  • Registration
  • Scheduling
Academic Level

Describes the level of a learning opportunity. UBC currently uses two Academic Levels: Graduate and Undergraduate.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Management
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Transfer Credit
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Academic Period

Known as Term/Session in the current SIS. 

A term or session that has a specific start and end date. Related: Standard Academic Period.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Enrolment
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Graduation
  • Curriculum Management
  • Transfer Credit
  • Registration
Academic Period Average

Known as Sessional Average in the current SIS.

A weighted average of all the percentage grades a student earned in an academic period. This average is calculated for Winter Session (Winter Term 1 and 2) or Summer Session. Where a student did not take any percentage graded courses (i.e., pass/fail courses), the average displayed will show as 0. 

  • Progression
Academic Progress Report

Known as Degree Navigator Reports in the current SIS. 

A report on a student's progress towards satisfying academic requirements for a program of study. Academic Progress Reports will replace Degree Navigator Reports.

  • Progression
Academic Record

Known as Academic History in the current SIS.

A history of a student's programs of study and courses taken (including transfer credit) while at UBC. A student can have more than one Academic Record. For example, a student may have completed their undergraduate degree and started a graduate program - these would be two separate academic records.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Registration
  • Enrolment
  • Transfer Credit
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Graduation
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Curriculum Management
Academic Record Status

Academic Record Status indicates whether or not a student is currently pursuing a Program of Study at UBC. There are two types of Academic Record Status - Active and Inactive. Whether a Student's Academic Record Status is Active or Inactive is based on their current Program of Study (POS) Status.

  • Learner Management
Academic Requirement Override(s)

Known as Exceptions in the current SIS. 

Manual adjustments performed by an administrator on a student's Academic Progress Report to grant exceptions to an academic requirement.

  • Progression
Academic Standing

Known as Sessional Standing (colloquially: Sessional Standing, Academic Standing, and Continuation Status) in the current SIS.

The field that displays a standing which represents a student's performance over an academic session based on their sessional evaluation. In Workday, the Academic Standing field will display the UBC Senate-approved values of In Good Standing; On Academic Probation; Failed, Permitted to Continue; and Failed, Required to Withdraw. A temporary standing of In Review is also available and can be used to flag situations where additional information or analysis is required before a student can be assigned a final standing.

  • Progression
  • Learner Management
Academic Unit

A Workday organization type that represents a school, college, university, or other unit of your institution. These units can recruit prospective students, admit students, offer programs of study or courses, or administer financial aid. Academic units are also used with academic appointments in Workday.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Admissions
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Transfer Credit
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Registration
  • Enrolment
  • Graduation

Academic Record Status. Applied if the student has one of the following Program of Study Statuses: Matriculated, In Progress, Leave of Absence, or Pending Completion

  • Learner Management
Add Program of Study

Known as Declare Minor/2nd Major/Co-op, etc. in the current SIS.

Used to label the process to declare a minor and/or a secondary pathway, e.g. second major, Major in Biology.

  • Enrolment
Additional Period Honours

The field that displays a standing offered by some Faculties to recognize students who have performed exceptionally well in a session. In Workday, the Additional Period Honours field will display the UBC Senate-approved values of Dean’s List and Dean’s Scholar, where Dean’s Scholar is the higher of the two values.

  • Progression
Administrative Shell Course

Known as Dummy Course in the classic SIS.

Administrative Shell Courses are used to enable functionalities such as supplemental standing, fee assessment, registration hold, etc. With the exception of distance education courses, they are courses that are scheduled without a location. 

  • Curriculum Management
  • Assessment Outcomes
Admissions Administrative Portal (AAP)

The AAP forms part of the new Admissions Solution (ADM) and is replacing the admissions administrative functionality of the Student Information Service Centre (SISC) and Maintenance Service Centre (MSC).

  • Admissions
Advisory Program

A type of program in Workday Student that is used to track a student's educational objective and its academic requirements. Advisory programs cannot be the student's only program of study. For example, the Master of Management Dual Degree Option (B+MM) is the Advisory Program that is added while a student is completing their bachelor's degree. The Advisory Program will be discontinued once they have met the continuation requirements and are admitted to the Master of Management graduate program.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment

Workday Announcements posts notices to all users or as a customized message to users who match specific criteria (e.g. students vs staff). Only a centralized unit will be able to post announcements. Workday Announcements appear on the Workday 'Home' screen or 'Academics' pages. 

  • Learner Management

A student eligibility rule, such as a course, that a student must not have completed in order to register in a course section.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Registration
Applicant Service Centre (ASC)

The ASC forms part of the new Admissions Solution (ADM) and is the applicant-facing portal that will replace the admissions functionality of the current Student Service Centre (SSC).

  • Admissions

Reports that can display as tiles on the home page. They provide users quick access to frequently referenced data and tasks common to a specific functional area. e.g. Academics. Also called Worklets.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Transfer Credit
  • Enrolment
  • Curriculum Management
  • Graduation
  • Registration
Applied for Completion

Also known as Applied for Graduation/Graduation Pending in the current SIS.

A graduation status. One of the six Program Completion Statuses in Workday Student that is applied by Workday when a student has completed their application for graduation, including the questionnaire for College of Graduate Studies students, and is pending adjudication.

  • Graduation
Approved for Completion

Known as Approved in the current SIS.

A graduation status. One of the six Program Completion Statuses in Workday Student that is applied by adjudicators to confirm that the student has satisfied all of their academic requirements and is approved to graduate.

  • Graduation
Assignable Roles

This is a Workday Student term for security roles. Security Roles are permissions that allow access to data, reports, and functionalities within Workday. Example: Student Records Faculty Hold Specialist.

  • Security Role
Attempted Credits

This value represents the number of credits in which a student enrolled. It can be for a session or it can be a cumulative value. It does not include transfer credits and is unique per academic record.

  • Progression
Average Credits

This value represents the number of credits a student attempted (enrolled in) that were percentage graded. It does not consider whether or not the student passed the course, only whether or not the student enrolled in the course. It can be for a session or it can be a cumulative value. It does not include transfer credits and is unique per academic record.

  • Progression
Boomerang Integration

A process through which data is exported out of Workday, transformed (either manipulated, edited, or added to), and then fed back into Workday to perform an update. Allows for automation of processes that otherwise would have needed to be done manually.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Transfer Credit
  • Registration
  • Curriculum Management
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Business Object

Data storage method in Workday student that functions similarly to database tables or worksheets in Excel. E.g., a student is an individual business object that is associated with a program of study, which is in turn associated with an academic unit. Everything in bold is its own business object.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Graduation
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Transfer Credit
  • Registration
  • Curriculum Management
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Progression
Business Process

A series of tasks or a set of activities performed by a group of stakeholders to achieve an organizational goal.

In Workday Student, some Business Processes must have an initiator and an approver, although they can be the same person should business needs require it.

  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Admissions
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Graduation
  • Progression
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Scheduling
Change Program of Study

Known as Declare Major in the current SIS. 

Used to label two different processes:

  1. to declare a primary pathway (e.g., a specialization/major/option: BA, Major in Psychology) and
  2. to change a degree program and/or a pathway (e.g., BA, Major in Psychology to BA, Major in History).
  • Enrolment
Class Standing

Known as Year Level in the current SIS.

Identification of the year level the student is in (e.g., Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4).

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Graduation
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Progression
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
Class Standing at Start of Period

Also known as  Year Level in the current SIS.

A Class Standing value for an academic period that is calculated based on the student's academic history prior to that period.

  • Progression

Known as Full in the current SIS.

Section status. When viewing courses on Workday, sections that are at capacity and do not have available waitlist seats will be shown as "Closed".

  • Scheduling
  • Registration

Workday functionality that groups students together for use in certain functions such as advising, graduation, priority registration, and program versions, etc. Sometimes referred to as "Student Cohort".

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Progression
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Scheduling
  • Admissions
  • Graduation

Program of Study Status for graduated students.

  • Learner Management
Course Definition

Central source of data related to the individual course, such as the course’s title, credit value, description, and eligibility rules. All data for the UBC Academic Calendar comes from the course definition.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Scheduling
Course Section Cluster

Known as Section Links in the current SIS.

A set of related course sections or courses in Workday that must be enrolled in together during registration.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Course Section Definition

Data specific to an individual course section that mirrors that of the course definition with some additional areas of configuration, such as meeting patterns, instructors, capacity, or section notes.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Course Section Status

Field that indicates availability of a course section for registration. UBC is using five statuses: preliminary, open, waitlist, closed, and canceled.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Course Tag

Attributes attached to course definitions or course section definitions to categorize them and make them easier to track and manage.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Cumulative Average

This shows a weighted average of all the percentage grades that a student has earned while studying at UBC. It does not include transfer credits and is unique per academic record.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Management
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Transfer Credit
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Current Employee

A current employee is a person who has an employee record in Workday and meets all of the following criteria:

  • Has an active position/appointment that is either ongoing or has an end date in the future;
  • Has not been terminated;
  • Is not a Paymaster or Contingent Worker; and
  • Is not a Retiree without an active position/appointment.

Note: Employees who are on leave are still considered current employees.

  • Student
Current Student

A current student is a person with a student record* in Workday and who has a status of Matriculated, In Progress, Leave of Absence, or Pending Completion for their Primary Program of Study.

Students can check this status in Workday on the Overview tab of the Academics page of their Workday profile.

*Students enroled in Extended Learning programs at UBC do not have a student record in Workday. Student applicants will not have a student record in Workday until they accept an offer of admission

  • Student

Configurable pages related to functional areas within Workday. Can be populated with related charts, data, tasks reports, links to related solutions, menus, and announcements.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Date Control

A pre-determined date or deadline by which a Student must take a specific action in Workday. Date Controls are usually based on the start and end dates of a course. The rules for Date Controls are determined by each relevant Faculty in Workday.

  • Registration
Declare Date

A field on a student's academic record in Workday that indicates when the student began their program of study. Workday then assigns and evaluates a student's academic requirements based on that date.

  • Enrolment
Delivery Mode

Known as Delivery Mode in the current SIS.

The means by which a course section is delivered. One of: In Person, Online, Multi-Access, or Hybrid.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration

Also known as Withdrawn Application, Graduation not approved, Not ready for graduation in the current SIS.

A graduation status. One of the six Program Completion Statuses in Workday Student that is applied by adjudicators when a student has not satisfied the academic requirements for graduation, or has withdrawn their application for program completion.

  • Graduation

Program of Study Status used in instances where students are voluntarily no longer active at UBC, never commenced their studies, or removed programs of study (such as changing majors or discontinuing a secondary program of study).

  • Learner Management

Program of Study Status used in cases where UBC requires students to leave the institution.

  • Learner Management
Drop With W Grade End

Withdrawal Deadline

The last day to withdraw a student from a course section with a W Standing appearing on their transcript. Students cannot withdraw from the course section after this date without administrator assistance.

  • Registration
Drop without Record End Date

Known as Add/Drop Deadline in the current SIS. 

The last date to withdraw a student from a course section without a W Standing appearing on their transcript.

  • Registration
Dual-Active Individual

A dual-active individual is a person who is a current student and a current employee at UBC. For example, a student on a Co-Op work term, or a faculty member completing a master’s degree.

Having dual-active status affects the personal information these individuals can update in Workday, and where they go for support for these updates. It also affects what they see on their Workday homepage, navigation menu, and the Workday tasks/processes they can access.

When the individual becomes a former employee or a former student or both, they will no longer be dual-active. Individuals who are a current student and former employee, or vice versa, may have both an employee record and a student record in Workday but are not considered dual-active.

Student employees who are UBC students will be dual-active. Non-UBC students employed at UBC in student positions will not be dual-active.

Note: Whether someone is considered “current” depends on their status in Workday. For example, you can be a current student even if you have not taken a course recently, or a current employee if on leave.

  • Student
Earned Credits

This value represents the number of credits a student has successfully earned by passing courses that offer credits. It can be for a session or it can be a cumulative value. It does not include transfer credits and is unique per academic record.

  • Progression
Eligibility Rule

Used to identify a specific population of students and determines student eligibility for various processes across Workday Student.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Management
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Transfer Credit
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB)

A tool that allows a mass load to or mass extract data from the Workday system.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Graduation
ESMT (External Student Management)

Business Process Management System (BPMS) application for the management of external students.

  • Learner Management
Evaluation Deferred

Also known as Pending Approved in the current SIS.

A graduation status. One of the six Program Completion Statuses in Workday Student that is applied by adjudicators to indicate that a student will be approved for graduation upon the successful completion of their remaining academic requirements in their final term.

  • Graduation
EXMM (Exam Manager)

Business Process Management System (BPMS) application for the management of exam scheduling.

  • Scheduling
Expected Completion Date

A field on a student's academic record in Workday that estimates when the student will complete their program of study that is derived from the standard duration of the program of study (i.e. four years for Bachelor of Arts).

  • Graduation

Field that appears on a report after the initial criteria has been set and the report has been run that allow users to further refine their search results. Also called: Filter.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Graduation
FGST (Final Grade Submission Tool)

BPMS application for the submission of final grades for courses. 

  • Assessment Outcomes

Field that appears on a report after the initial criteria has been set and the report has been run that allow users to further refine their search results. Also called: Facet.

  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Admissions
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Scheduling
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Graded Instructional Format

Known as Primary Activity in the current SIS.
Which course component the assessment of student performance will be entered. Only one can be graded and it must be the same for any scheduled section of the same course. See also: Instructional Format.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Historical Record

Historical Records (also referred to as ‘Historical Academic Records’) are legacy SIS records that are deemed by UBC to likely have less transactions (e.g. enrolling in a new program, paying fees etc.) applied to them after Workday go-live. In Workday, Historical records are functionally limited when compared to Active Records (e.g. a Historical Student does not have self-service access to Workday). Historical Records are not ‘archived’ Active Records. Historical Records are only used for the transition into Workday – current, active students in Workday post-Launch will never become Historical Records. 

  • Learner Management
Historical Student

A Historical Student is a student who is inactive prior to 2021 in the SIS (no registration status ELIG/REGI/CONT from September 2021 to August 2024).

  • Learner Management
In Progress

Program of Study Status when a student is currently pursuing a degree. Does not indicate registration in courses.

  • Learner Management

Academic Record Status that is applied if the student has one of the following Program of Study Statuses: Discontinued, Suspended, Dismissed, Completed.

  • Learner Management
Instructional Format

Known as Activity Type in the current SIS.

The method by which the course can be delivered, such as a lecture, laboratory, seminar, or discussion.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Latest Class Standing

Also known as Year Level  in the current SIS.
A value that represents the most recently calculated Class Standing.

  • Progression

Program of Study Status when a student goes from applicant to student.

  • Learner Management
  • Admissions
  • Enrolment

The process of moving students from applicant to student stage. Matriculation happens when an applicant accepts their offer of admission and pays their acceptance deposit (when applicable).

Note: There are some cases (for Graduate and Post Doctoral Studies and College of Graduate Students) where if an applicant is admitted with conditions, they don't actually matriculate immediately after accepting their offer/paying their deposit.  Their matriculation is held until they satisfy the conditions of their admission.

  • Admissions
  • Enrolment
New Student Onboarding

The guided process that informs new to UBC students of certain actions they may need to be aware of as new students, and facilitates the actions in Workday Student they are responsible for.

  • Enrolment

Known as International Student in the current SIS.

'Non-Resident' is a type of Residency Status. A Non-Resident is an individual who is not considered Resident in Canada (see 'Resident'). 

  • Learner Management

Workday notifications display reports users have run, processes that are complete, and documents that are available for review. Notifications do not show actionable items. Notifications can be found by clicking on the bell icon at the top right-hand-side of the screen in Workday.

  • Learner Management
Official Document Management Tool (ODMT)

Known as Order Transcripts/ Order Replacement Diploma/Certified Copy in the current SIS.

Official Document Management Tool (ODMT) is an application which will be built on the Appian Platform (BPMS). Through the ODMT Storefront, Students will be able to request and/or purchase Official and Unofficial Transcripts, Confirmation of Enrolment Letters and Program Completion Letters by adding them to a cart and providing payment. Once payment is received, the Student will receive their document(s) through their selected delivery method (email, courier, mail or forward to the school of their choosing). Staff will also be able to order documents on behalf of the Student. If the document(s) need to be printed and mailed to the Student, the Staff portal will provide a work queue where the Staff will action the items and update order information.


  • Learner Management

Course section status that is applied once a course section is published and has seats available, making it available for student registration.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Open Registration

A period when all students with an "In Progress" status can change their registration regardless of whether they have been assigned a registration appointment.

  • Registration
Pending Completion

Program of Study Status that begins when the student applies for program completion. 

  • Learner Management
  • Graduation

Course section status. Automatically applied when a course section is first created and indicates that the course section is unpublished.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Program Area

Groupings of similar Programs of Study with similar attributes; e.g. research-based programs.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Progression
Program Completed

Also known as Conferred in the current SIS.

A graduation status. One of the six Program Completion Statuses in Workday Student that is applied by Enrolment Services after Senate has conferred a student's degree.

  • Graduation
Program Completion

Known as Graduation in the current SIS.

Used in Workday to label processes related to graduation. Synonymous with 'graduation'.

  • Graduation
Program Completion Status

Known as Graduation Status  in the current SIS.

A field appearing on a student's record that contains a status of the student application for graduation.

  • Graduation
Program Duration

The length of a program of study in weeks, months, or years. Workday Student uses this value to determine the Expected Completion date.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Progression
Program of Study (POS)

Known as Major/Minor/Option/Specialization in the current SIS.

A path of studies that learners apply to (through either the application or declaration process) and are admitted into that lead to a specific outcome (typically a credential) following the completion of certain requirements. In Workday, the academic record for a student comprises one or more POS. The POS determines students’ academic requirements, the educational credentials they can earn, and the academic policies that apply to them.

  • Admissions
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Progression
  • Scheduling
  • Graduation
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
Program of Study Status

Known as Registration Status in current SIS.

A field appearing on a student's record that indicates where a student is in the completion of their program of study, and whether their overall record is active or inactive. Does not indicate registration in courses.

  • Learner Management

Field that appears upon launch of a report that allow the user to filter criteria prior to running the report.

  • Admissions
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Registration
  • Transfer Credit
  • Progression
  • Scheduling
  • Graduation
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
Registration Appointment

Known as Registration date & time in current SIS.

The earliest date and time as of which a student can self register in a course section for an upcoming standard academic period.

  • Registration
Registration Override

Known as Force Register in the current SIS.

Manual adjustment(s) performed by an Administrator which grant exceptions to restrictions and/or deadlines that prevent a student from registering in a course section. Requests for overrides are first reviewed by the relevant Unit and, if approved, are actioned in Workday by an Administrator through one of two tasks:

  1. Maintain Registration Restriction Overrides for Student task (Registration Tokens) or;
  2. Register Student for Course task (i.e. where an Administrator direct registers a student into a course section)
  • Registration
Registration Tokens

A preemptive override that allows administrator to override registration eligibility requirements for a student to allow them to self-register in a course section.

  • Registration
Related Actions

A clickable icon (3 circles inside a rectangle) that appears next to a field or Object in Workday when additional, relevant actions are available to the User. The icon is hidden until the User hovers their cursor over a field or Object in Workday. If the icon appears, then the User can select the icon to conveniently navigate to relevant actions associated with the field or Object. If the icon does not appear, then there are no related actions available.

  • Registration
Remove Program of Study

Known as Drop Major/Minor in the current SIS.

Used to label the process to drop a Program of Study.

  • Enrolment

Known as SISC Search in the current SIS.

An output of real-time, accurate data that can be extracted from Workday Student.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Management
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Reporting Record

In cases where a Student has multiple Academic Records, the 'Reporting Record' is typically the Academic Record that is created first. Reporting records can also be re-assigned (i.e. another Academic Record can be assigned as the Reporting Record). 

  • Learner Management
Required Instructional Format

A course component that a student must register in. See also: Instructional Format.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Reserved Capacity

Known as Seat Pools in the current SIS.

Seats reserved for a specific group of students in a course section.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Residency Status

Known as STUV/CNDN/PERM  in the current SIS.

Residency Status is the field in Workday that reports a student's residency status in Canada. There are three types of Residency Status in Workday - Resident, Non-Resident and Undetermined. An individual's Residency Status is assigned to them based on the Residency Reason provided by them in Workday during the Admissions on-boarding process. 

  • Learner Management

Known as Domestic Student in the current SIS.
Resident is a type of Residency Status. Students who have the Residency Status of 'Resident' will have one of the following associated Residency Reasons in Workday:

  • Canadian Resident
  • Permanent Resident
  • Cross-border Indigenous Nation Member
  • Dependent of Canadian Diplomat
  • Diplomat assigned to Canada
  • Full-time, Long-term Work Permit
  • Full-time, Long-term Work Permit Dependent
  • Indigenous Nation of Canada Affiliate
  • Refugee Status in Canada
  • Learner Management
Restricted Requirement Group

Used to prevent double-counting of courses towards academic requirements that may overlap, and route courses to a preferred academic requirement.

  • Progression
Role-based access

This is when assignable roles are assigned to positions, not individual people. The majority of security roles at UBC are role-based.

  • Security Role
Saved Schedule

Known as Worklist in the current SIS.

A tentative schedule determined by a student ahead of the registration period, that contains course sections that the student wants to register for in a given standard academic period.

  • Registration
Section Capacity

Known as Total Seats in current SIS.

The total combination of unreserved and reserved capacity for a course section.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Security Groups

This refers to sets of permissions which govern what assignable roles can see and do in Workday. Security groups are linked to assignable roles in the backend, and are not a user-facing concept.

  • Security Role
Security Role

This is a generic term for permissions that control what people can see and do within a particular system. In the Classic SIS, security roles are referred to as permission groupings. Learn more here

  • Security Role
Smart List

Used to group a large number of courses by criteria for various processes across Workday Student.

  • Curriculum Management
  • Progression
Standard Academic Period

One of Winter Term 1, Winter Term 2, and Summer Session. Does not include Winter Session or Summer Terms. Related: Academic Period.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Management
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
STTM (Standard Timetable Manager)

Business Process Management System (BPMS) application used in developing conflict free schedules (Standard Timetables) by administrators for communication and planning purposes. No registration ability is attached to the STTM.

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
Student Accomplishments

Milestones that students achieve towards the completion of their Program of Study.

  • Progression
Student Cohort

Workday functionality that groups students together for use in certain functions such as advising, graduation, priority registration, and program versions, etc. Sometimes referred to as "Cohort".

  • Admissions
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Management
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Student Communication Tool

BPMS application used by instructors and administrators to send one-time email communications to one or more students, and to review archived emails. 

  • Learner Management
Student Condition Rules

Requirements that use business objects to define a subset of the student population for a given process or transaction. More broad than eligibility rules. E.g., used in reserved capacity.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Management
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Student Eligibility Rules

Requirements that use pieces of student data to determine if a student meets the criteria for something in Workday Student. E.g., used in course pre-requisites. 

STVC (Special Topics and Variable Credits)

BPMS application used in creating new versions of Special Topics and Variable Credit courses.

  • Scheduling

Program of Study Status when a student has been asked to leave UBC for either a specific amount of time or indefinitely​

  • Learner Management

Known as Switch Sections in the current SIS.

In Workday, ‘Swap’ allows Students to make changes to their Saved Schedule after registration. Swap allows Students to drop one course or course section and register for another course or course section instead (unregistering the Student from the original course or course section). Swap cannot be used after the add/drop deadline.

  • Registration

A step that allows users to complete a singular action that does not require additional permissions or approvals. A task can also be an approval step within a multi-step process.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Management
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation
Topic Title

Known as Detail Code in the current SIS.

Version code of a Special Topics/Variable Credit course. One of A through Z.

  • Scheduling
UDaP (The University Data Platform)

UDaP, The University Data Platform, will store current and  historical data beyond what is loaded into Workday Student and will be accessible for a variety of reporting purposes (including data for transcripts) for both historical and active students.

Unreserved Capacity

Known as General Seats in the current SIS.

Seats that have no additional student condition rules attached to them.  

  • Scheduling
  • Registration
User Groupings/user groups

These are sets of assignable roles that are bundled together to enable access to related activities and data. Assignable roles can belong to more than one user grouping. User groupings are established based on operational objectives of positions in UBC. Example: Academic Advising – Faculty Level

  • Security Role
User-based acces

This is when security groups are assigned to individual users. This type of access is used very infrequently at UBC.

  • Security Role
Workday Worksheets

A built-in spreadsheet application in Workday that allows users to explore, analyze, visualize, and collaborate on data in real-time. Workday Worksheets is a secure alternative to exporting data to Microsoft Excel.

  • Admissions
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Learner Management
  • Registration
  • Progression
  • Transfer Credit

Reports that can display as tiles on the home page. They provide users quick access to frequently referenced data and tasks common to a specific functional area. e.g. Academics. Also called Applications.

  • Admissions
  • Learner Financial Management
  • Learner Financial Support
  • Curriculum Management
  • Enrolment
  • Scheduling
  • Registration
  • Learner Management
  • Assessment Outcomes
  • Progression
  • Graduation

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.