At UBC, we pursue excellence. The Integrated Renewal Program ‒ Student (IRP Student) will transform the way UBC supports learning and research with the creation of a critical foundation for a modern educational experience. Workday Student will be the anchor system replacing our current Student Information System (SIS).
This renewed, reliable, and secure student information system will serve as a foundation to support UBC’s academic mission both today and into the future. Starting in October 2023, a portion of UBC Staff will begin transitioning to Workday Student, with remaining users making the move in early 2024.
IRP Student is dedicated to supporting our community members through this academic and organizational transition. As such, IRP Student has established a process for assessing how prepared the UBC community is to respond to the coming changes and adapt to any new ways of working. This process – known as the “Institutional Readiness Assessment” - includes a series of surveys, the first of which was undertaken in late 2022.
"Engaging with our community, and assessing how prepared they feel for this change, is a critical part of our journey to launching Workday Student. The insights we gain from the Institutional Readiness Assessment will be so valuable as we continue preparing staff, faculty, and students for this transition."
– Dr. Lesley Cormack, Lead Executive Sponsor, (Chair) Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Principal, UBCO
These surveys allow our community to provide insight about their experiences with IRP Student to date, and help to inform upcoming transition and support activities through 2023. Two future iterations of this survey are planned over the coming year to measure progress on efforts to prepare the UBC community, and capture changes in readiness levels.
Overview of recent survey involvement & responses
In late 2022, a sampling of highly impacted users were invited to complete the first Institutional Readiness Assessment. Further, an open link was shared for general participation. Overall, 878 members of the UBC community, from both Vancouver and Okanagan, participated and provided feedback. Below you will find more detailed background information on who participated in the survey* and an overview of the seven change readiness dimensions used to measure UBC’s readiness levels.
*Please note: While 878 members of the UBC community participated in this survey, some responses in relation to identification (campus, role, etc.) were not mandatory.
The seven change readiness dimensions and the responses provided, will continue to assist IRP Student in developing informed transition and support activities as we move toward the launch of Workday Student
Compelling Need for Change
Level of awareness and understanding of the business case and benefits
These respondents provided favorable responses, noting they understand why the existing SIS is being replaced, the benefits of doing so, and that their department is prioritizing work needed to support the transition to Workday Student.
Visible, Aligned, and Committed Leadership
Perceived level of leadership commitment and alignment to realizing the vision
These respondents provided favorable responses, noting active support for IRP Student. Respondents believe management understands the impacts of the transition to Workday Student, has the necessary resources to implement the change, and will be available to support staff and faculty throughout the transition.
Support for Change
Level of support for the changes from end users and key stakeholders
These respondents provided favorable responses, noting they understand the consequences of not implementing Workday Student, and have motivation to adopt new ways of working to support the transition. These respondents support the move to Workday Student, and are eager to understand more about the changes expected.
Capacity/Competing Initiative
Perceived level of impact of other initiatives and organizational capacity
These respondents provided favorable responses, noting they are confident they can manage day-to-day workloads during the transition to Workday Student, and feel that the impending changes will also be manageable.
Targeted and Effective Communications
Level of effective communications and feedback mechanisms
These respondents provided favorable responses, noting satisfaction with information received to date to keep informed about IRP Student, and clear and consistent communication from the program. These respondents believe both positive and negative impacts are being communicated, and know who to contact when they have questions.
Individual Readiness
Level of readiness for the change
These respondents provided favorable responses, noting that they understand Workday Student will change the way they do their work. These respondents know what they need to do to prepared for the transition to Workday Student, and feel they and their unit/department will be ready to make these changes.
Learning and Knowledge Management
Level of confidence that they will receive the education required, and commitment to building knowledge / attending training
These respondents provided favorable responses, noting they are open to learning new skills that will be required to use the Workday Student system. These respondents are confident they will have opportunities and time needed to learn the skills necessary to be successful in the transition to Workday Student.
Recommendations & next steps
The initial Institutional Readiness Assessment results indicate a need for greater community awareness around why UBC is moving to a new system.
IRP Student will continue to socialize the rationale around replacing the current SIS and the benefits of moving to Workday Student through the IRP Student website, blog, and continuing community engagements. Community Call-in Sessions are being held to bring further details about Workday Student to impacted stakeholder groups on both campuses, and will continue throughout 2023.
There will be many asks from the community between now and Launch 1. IRP Student recognizes the need for impacted stakeholders to understand what to expect along with what their roles and responsibilities will be. All asks of the community will be funneled through the Transition Network, and will provide adequate time for planning and responses.
Other next steps include an emphasis on resources and support available to help with the transition as well as focusing on the plan for continuous improvement of the new system beyond Launch 2. With this in mind, IRP Student will further analyze the IRA results and, in partnership with the Transition Network, develop and implement specific, recommended actions within respective faculties/units.
Two future iterations of the IRA survey will occur in spring and fall of 2023. IRP Student will continue to measure progress in preparing the UBC community as well as monitor changes in the university's readiness levels as we approach system launch.
If you have any questions about this survey please contact the IRP Student Transformation and Change Management Team by using this contact form.