Learner Financial Support

A Snapshot

A Summary

What's changing?

  • New application - Learner Financial Support Management (LFSM) in Appian
  • LFSM  will be the application for managing awards, bursaries, and related processes  
  • LFSM will be integrated with Workday for award disbursement and refund  

What's staying the same? 

  • Functionalities available and supported in SIS will be available in LFS
  • The current manual processes and offline tools will continue to be in use

When will it be changing? 

  • LFSM initial go-live includes three releases, which is focused on functionalities and processes that will allow for business continuity at UBC. 
  • Release 1 (April 29, 2024) - Functionalities include Award, Award Cycle (Budget and Criteria), Learner Profile, Merit Award Assignment, Offer, Disbursement, and Eligibility Monitoring, and Student Communication. 
  • Release 2 (July 8, 2024) - Functionalities include Institutional Appendix, Canadian Student Loan Award Assignment, ECE, and Eligibility Monitoring, and Donor Communication Letters . 
  • Release 3 (August 6, 2024) - Functionalities include UBC Advance, Financial Profile for UBC Bursary, Need Assessment Upload, and Bursary and Undergraduate Award Adjudication. 

Impacted User Groups 

  • Leadership, Management, Award Analysts, and Award Coordinators in:
    UBCV – Student Financial Management, Enrolment Services
    UBCV – Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Studies
    UBCO – Admissions and Awards, Enrolment Services
    UBCO – College of Graduate Studies
  • Directors, Managers, and Advisors in:
    UBCV Enrolment Services – Student Support & Advising
    UBCO Student Records & Financial Services
  • Faculty & Department Award Administrators
  • Staff in VP Development and Alumni Engagement Office & UBCO Development
  • Faculty/Department award development staff

Key Terms

  • Administering Unit: In current SISC, 'Org Code' is attached to an award for departments to receive budgets and submit budget recommendations. In the future, Administering Unit will indicate the unit that is responsible for managing the award application and adjudication process. 
  • Awarding Unit: 'Discipline' in Classic SIS will be replaced/converted to 'Awarding Unit' which is used to separate award cycle budget and award cycle eligibility criteria. It will include values for Academic Units. It will not include Award Renewal (AWFA) or Award Deferral (DEFR).  In cases where separate budgets and eligibility criteria are not required, the Awarding Unit will indicate the central award unit that is managing the award. 
  • Primary Award Program: Currently known as 'Default Signer', a Primary Award Program is a grouping of awards that is managed by the same central award unit, shares the same award application and adjudication process, and/or facilitates reporting.

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