UBC is entering a period of tremendous opportunity to modernize our approaches and enabling technologies to improve how we work together as a community of faculty, staff and students. You may be aware that UBC's renewal programs for Student (SASI), HR and Finance have recently been brought together as one integrated program with multiple project streams. Many of you have participated in earlier stages of work in one or more of these program streams to explore ways to improve our users' experience, simplify processes and evaluate new software solutions.
In July, Workday Student was selected by UBC as the core software solution to replace the Student Information System (SIS). We have heard the community’s wishes to make it easier to work across the systems that we use to manage student interactions, human resources and financial data and processes. With this in mind, we are now interested in consulting the community about the possibility to use Workday as a core enterprise platform across all three areas. For further information, please check the documents below:
Given the significance and wide-ranging impacts of this potential investment, we want to ensure that we gain from the broad perspectives, insight and advice our community can provide. We are very interested to learn from the community their thoughts about whether the integrated approach would be beneficial to their work.
We have scheduled demonstrations of Workday on November 7th (Kelowna) and November 8th (Vancouver), which will showcase the opportunities that an integrated platform (Student, HR and Finance) can provide for UBC.
We are inviting you to attend one of these demos, and also requesting your support to ensure that others in your unit are aware of this opportunity as well. We’ve had great engagement from staff leaders in Faculties and units and hope to build on this momentum.
Please distribute this information to your own staff and faculty colleagues as appropriate, and encourage them to register for the demonstration. Our goal is to accommodate as many participants as possible, and with a limited number of seats available, we are providing live web stream options. To register, please visit: www.it.ubc.ca/workday.
This is truly a once-in-a-generation opportunity to move the university to the forefront of excellence in how we work together to support student, faculty and staff success. Thank you for your support.