SASI and HR/FIN Renewal Programs Governance Structures Integrated

July 1, 2017

As planning proceeded for the replacement of the Student, HR, and Finance systems, it became apparent that there was significant interdependencies between the various projects and a need for alignment in terms of governance and decision-making, risk management, project planning, change management, benefits realization, and implementation timelines to name a few. As a result, the Student Academic Systems Initiative (SASI), HR Finance Renewal Program (HR/FIN), and Procurement Modernization governance structures were integrated.

The Executive Sponsors are Peter Smailes, Interim Vice-President, Finance and Operations (Lead Executive Sponsor); Dr. Deborah Buszard, Deputy Vice Chancellor & Principal; Dr. Cynthia Mathieson, Provost and Vice-Principal Academic; Dr. Andrew Szeri, Provost and Vice-President Academic; Barbara Meens Thistle, Vice-President, Human Resources.

The Steering Committee members are: Dr. Kate Ross, Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Services and Registrar (Lead Program Sponsor); Dr. Patricia Lasserre, Associate Provost, Enrolment & Academic Programs; Dr. Ian Cavers, Associate Dean Science; Rob Einarson, Associate Vice-President, Finance and Operations; Alex Bayne, Managing Director, Strategic Workplace Initiatives, Learning & Engagement; Trish Pekeles, Executive Director, Financial Operations; Jennifer Burns, Associate Vice President Information Technology & Chief Information Officer.

The Integrated Renewal Program governance is fully aligned with UBC’s governance processes including UBC Board of Governors, UBC Executive, and IT Advisory Council to name a few. A complete governance structure will be published in 2018 with representation from campus stakeholders.

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