The Road toward Human Resources and Finance Release 1

February 5, 2019

In July, the Human Resources and Finance teams kicked off their Architect stage, which is the second of five project stages toward the 2020 implementation date.

In January, the Architect stage wrapped up.

During that stage, the teams engaged a number of UBC stakeholders to determine how Workday will be implemented. The teams gathered UBC’s HR and Finance requirements for Workday, documented current business processes, and made a significant number of decisions as the result of hundreds of workshops with Finance and HR stakeholders.

Those decisions have been built into UBC’s Workday requirements in preparation for the next project stage, the Configure and Prototype stage, which kicked off on January 15.

The next important step in the process is to validate the decisions made in Architect through deep-dive confirmation sessions with the stakeholders who helped make those decisions. During these sessions, we’ll be moving through business processes in Workday, ensuring that the program team has correctly captured the decisions and feedback of the UBC community, and that the process works as intended in Workday.

These sessions are limited to only those stakeholders who have already been engaged with the program. They are not community-wide demos. The program team is planning events to provide opportunities for the broader UBC community to see Workday in action, but first we need to complete these confirmation sessions to ensure that Workday carries out UBC’s processes correctly.

Engaging the UBC Community

In December, we introduced the concept of a Transition Network and the crucial role this group of UBC volunteers will play in helping the broader community navigate the coming shift to Workday. This month, the network is busy finalizing their roster.

Once the members of the Transition Network are finalized, we’ll begin some key activities, including kicking off change management training, developing resources that will support the network in localizing the change with their units, and better understanding the needs of UBC’s different faculties and units.

We’re approaching our 2020 implementation for HR and Ffinance, so watch for broader program communication to start being issued to faculty and staff in the coming months.

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