Register Now to Preview UBC's New HR and Finance System, Workday (Demo)

July 6, 2019

We are excited to invite you to preview UBC’s brand new HR and Finance system, Workday:

  • Date: Tuesday, July 30th
  • Time: 9:30am – 12pm
  • Location: Various locations at Point Grey and Diamond Centre, however live stream is available for people in other locations. 

Registration and more information is here:

Early registration is encouraged to secure a spot in your preferred location. 

About the Event

This will be the first of three demo-style events open to all UBC faculty and staff to learn more about the new HR and Finance system (Workday) being implemented in late 2020, as part of the Integrated Renewal Program (IRP).

At this event, you’ll learn why UBC has embarked on a journey to transform its systems and processes and how faculty and staff can expect to benefit. You will also have the opportunity to see what Workday looks like through a series of live demos.

There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Help Spread the Word

We are also requesting your support to ensure that others in your unit are aware of this opportunity. We’ve had great engagement from staff leaders in Faculties and units and hope to build on this momentum.

Please distribute this information to your own staff and faculty colleagues as appropriate, and encourage them to register for the event.

If you have any questions about this event, please email

About the Integrated Renewal Program

To support UBC’s learning, research and working environment, we need to renew our administrative process and replace aging systems. Our student, HR and finance systems are 25 years old or more, and no longer able to support our dynamic institution and modern workplace. By modernizing and simplifying processes and bringing them into an intuitive integrated system, we will free the UBC community to spend more time on strategic priorities.

We can succeed only through sharing this responsibility, through strong collaboration, and readiness for change. Together, we can build a strong foundation for UBC’s future as we embark on our next century as a leading public university.

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