The future of reporting in Workday Student

April 3, 2024

Launch 2 of Workday Student began in February 2024. In the fall of 2024, Classic SIS will go offline and all activities related to the 2024 Winter and beyond will be exclusively managed through Workday Student. This article will explain the future of reporting in the new system.

SIS vs Workday Student Reports 

As of September 2024, current reporting tools like Dynamic Search Engine (DSE), launched within SISC, and Crystal Reports will be replaced by Workday Student, its point solutions, and supplemental platforms such as Tableau and the University Data Platform (UDaP).  

This transition will bring changes to the way you access reports and data. This replacement will not be a one-to-one match with the reports you currently use. For instance, Workday and the point solutions may present information as a list on a screen rather than requiring a report to be run.  

UDaP and Tableau offer additional reporting capabilities where data from various sources, or historical times need to be consolidated. 

Reports in Workday Student 

Workday has a standard set of “out-of-the-box” reports. IRP Student has also customized more than 300 additional operational, functional, and regulatory reports to meet UBC’s specific needs. 

The reports available to you are determined by: 

  • Whether your security role provides you access to the data or not 
  • If a business process (BP) requires you to generate a specific report 
  • If the data is already presented on a Workday screen 

Reports Training  

Currently, there is foundational Workday Reports training on Workplace Learning (WPL) that is available to everyone. To access the course, click here.

Additional reports training is being provided as part of functional, role, and area-specific training. Stay tuned for additional training information soon if you have not already received yours. 

Reports Support & Requests 

After completing the foundational, functional, and role-specific reports training, users will begin working within Workday and use the supplemental reporting tools. This will help determine whether the available tools meet your requirements. 

If not, or you find you do not have access to the data you need, please bring it to the attention of your manager, who can determine whether they need to request that data. 

For detailed information on accessing UBC data and submitting a Data Access Request, please visit the Office of the CIO site. 

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